Sea Mar’s Home Care Program has been providing services in King County since 1979. Home Care services are designed to provide non-medical assistance to persons from all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves.
Most clients served by the program are referred to Sea Mar by the Department of Social and Health Services under the following program categories:
• Medicaid Personal Care (MPC: A Medicaid program that is allowed under Washington State’s Medicaid State Plan; this program provides daily living assistance to individuals who receive SSI or are approved for other CN medical programs such as TANF, GAX, and SSIrelated medical programs.
• Community Options Program Entry System (COPES)
• Amy Wong Fund Program: Provides assistance to purchase goods and services that will enable adults with disabilities to remain in their own homes. Because of the limited amount of funds, these services are provided for a short-term basis.
• Division of Developmentally Disabled (DDD)
• Respite Care: The provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in nursing homes.
The Home Care Program also provides services to clients referred from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industry and private-pay clients.
Currently the program is staffed by 110 community aides, two supervisors, one receptionist, and one program manager.
Program Supervisor
Telephone: 206.764.4701
Carlos Leon
Program Supervisor
Telephone: 206.764.4703
Copyright ©2010-2025: Sea Mar Community Health Centers