Sea Mar -Community Health Centers


Scholarship for Children of Farm Workers

Sea Mar annually awards $1,000 scholarships to students from seasonal or migrant farm worker families in Washington State.

Students from farm-worker families often face enormous obstacles in completing their education. Many work after school and during summers to help their families meet daily living expenses, and many struggle to overcome language and cultural barriers.

Past experience has taught us, too, that some students struggle for various reasons during their early years, but show significant progress during their junior and senior years of high school or while attending a college. Providing scholarships for such students is a form of encouragement for them to continue working hard at their education.

Scholarship awards are made in the spring for high school seniors and for students who are currently enrolled in a college or university.

Funds for the scholarships come primarily from the Sea Mar's annual golf tournament in July and from other generous individual and business donors. Sea Mar gladly accepts donations of any amount to continue supporting the education of students from farm worker backgrounds

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