In 2015, Blanche Burch joined the Behavioral Health team with the opening or Turning Point, Sea Mar's Inpatient for Substance Use Disorders as the Clinical Supervisor. In 2016 she was promoted to Program Manager of Bellevue Adult Behavioral Health Center. In 2020 Blanche transferred to the Bellingham behavioral health clinic as the new Program Manager.
Blanche grew up on a Dairy farm in Wisconsin and learned early on the hard work ethic it takes to keep a farm running. She moved to Northwest in 2001 and is now here for life.
Blanche got her feet wet in this field by volunteering for five years with New Horizon Ministries doing youth street outreach and working in the drop-in center in down town Seattle.
Blanche feels fortunate to have worked in many different capacities in her career in Substance Use including; Ryther Child Center, King County Assessment Center, Detox, DSHS, Seattle Municipal Court, King County Reginal Justice Center, Inpatient and Outpatient facilities.
Blanche has witnessed the transformation of lives when those afflicted by drugs and alcohol find the hope and skills to lead a productive and self-accepting life without the use of substances. There is nothing more rewarding than when someone tells you “you saved my life”.
Blanche loves living in the Northwest and enjoys amazing food, hiking, all dog activates, island hopping, and lots of yoga. She is also 200 hour RYT certified yoga teacher.