Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x

Iduar Dereix Calonge

Iduar Dereix Calonge - Mental Health Therapist III
Education: Ph.D in Psychology, Master's in Clinical Psychology
Institution: Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia)
Area of Specialty: Psychotherapy (Psyschodynamic Approach), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Adult individual counseling.
Languages: Spanish, English and French

Dr. Dereix-Calonge graduated from Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz in Bogotá, Colombia with a Ph.D. in Psychology. He also holds a Master’s in Clinical Psychology from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá. In June 2023, he joined the team at Sea Mar CHC Tumwater Behavioral Health as Mental Health Therapist III.

Having worked 17 years in the aviation field allowed Dr. Dereix-Calonge to contribute as a CRM (Crew Resources Management) member which encouraged and enhanced cabin/cockpit crew’s training and adaptation processes. He participated in the implementation of the FRMS (Fatigue Risk Management System) in Avianca Airlines as well.

Dr. Dereix-Calonge has also done research on ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) developing protocols for disrupting RNT (Repetitive Negative Thinking) in the adjustment of clinical psychology trainees when facing clients for first time in their clinical practice. The results showed significant reduction of stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and obstruction of values.

Prior to joining Sea Mar, Dr. Dereix-Calonge worked for the Diversity Center of Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá, Colombia, where he contributed to the adjustment of Colombian undergraduate sponsored students with different scholarships. This population usually comes from marginal areas of the country. Through formal courses and counselling the adaptation improved and dropout rate was reduced.

Dr. Dereix-Calonge has always been interested in working with communities with highly vulnerable conditions. Sea Mar’s experience represents one of the biggest challenges in his clinical practice, since it enriches his skills in the applied field of clinical psychology.

In his spare time, Dr. Dereix-Calonge practices cycling and running, he enjoys live theatre, and reading. He loves spending time with his family, traveling, and learning about other cultures.

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