Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Joshua Stephen Sweet
Joshua Stephen Sweet - Clinical Supervisor
Education: AAS Emphasis on Chemical Dependency
Institution: Highline Community College
Board Certification: National Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC)
Area of Specialty: Chemical Dependency assessments, DUI Assessments, Intensive Inpatient counseling, Case Management Services
Languages: English

Joshua received his license as a substance use disorder professional trainee while pursuing his Associates degree at Highline Community College. Joshua was working as a treatment attendant at Sea Mar Turning point full time while also being a full time student. Joshua obtained his Substance Use Professional license in July of 2021.

Joshua has worked for Sea Mar Turning Point since January 2018. He started with Sea Mar at an entry-level position and has worked hard to climb the clinical ladder to become the senior most non-management SUD counselor on Turning Point's staff. As a counselor Joshua specializes on empathy and rapport building with inpatient community members. Joshua is passionate about providing a personalized therapeutic experience to every community member every time. Joshua has received stellar reviews from the community members he has had the pleasure of guiding on their recovery journey. Joshua utilizes Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Person Centered Therapy, and Solution-Based Therapy as his primary counseling theories. Joshua always remains teachable and educates himself with trending and current methods of providing sound substance use disorder treatments.

Joshua is proud to represent Sea Mar on the front line of the battle against the disease of addiction. Joshua stands by the Sea Mar mission of providing high quality, integrated care for underserved communities. Every community member every time. Joshua has a great talent of being relatable and building trusting relationships with the community members he work with. Joshua takes great pride in ensuring that every community member that graduates Turning Point's adult treatment program leaves with the tools required to work a sustainable program of recovery.

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