Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Kara Komarzec
Kara Komarzec - Child & Family Therapist
Education: LMHCA
Area of Specialty: Children and Families
Languages: English

​Kara Komarzec began her work at Sea Mar in April of 2018. Prior to her work at Sea Mar, she has worked as a mental health therapist in schools helping children and families receiving special education services. Kara received her Master's in Counseling Psychology from California State University, Northridge in 2015 and is currently licensed as a Mental Health Associate (LMHCA).

Kara has a passion for working with children and families to help identify interests and strengths that can be incorporated in resolving struggles in relationships, academics and overall mental health well-being.

In her free time, Kara enjoys playing soccer, video games, doing art projects and going to the lake.

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