Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Lily Baldwin
Lily Baldwin-Garduno - Clinical Supervisor
Education: Master's of Science from Eastern Washington Univesity and a Master's Degree in International Business from Whitworth University
Institution: Eastern Washington University and Withworth University in Washington
Board Certification: National Board Certified Counselor (NBCC) and American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA).
Area of Specialty: Mental Health Specialists
Languages: English, Spanish

Lily began practicing mental health services at Sea Mar's Bellingham Medical Clinic in September 2018 and transferred to Behavioral Health on July 2018. Before practicing at Sea Mar, Lily completed her undergraduate work in psychology and health, graduating with honors from the University of Morelos, Mexico. She then earned a Master's of Science in Psychology from Eastern Washington University and later a Master's in International Business from Withworth University.

Lily believes in being an advocate for individuals with mental and medical problems. She recently initiated a CBT for Pain Management at BH to strengthen the mind-body link as a means to implement cohesive, effective communication between the mind and the body which can foster positive well-being.

Lily is also an AMHCA Diplomate and clinical mental health specialist (child & adolescent specialist), ethnic-minority mental health specialist, certified clinical trauma professional (IATP), certified professional wraparound facilitator (Vroon Vandenberg Group) and certified CETA learning collaborative consultation. In addition, she decided to move to Bellingham because she wanted to be closer to her daughter and enjoy the gratefulness of the forest, lakes and ocean.

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