Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Michelle Provost
Michelle Provost - Licensed Mental Health Therapist
Education: Master of Science Degree in Educational Counseling
Institution: National University, San Diego, CA
Area of Specialty: Adults
Languages: English

Michelle Provost began practicing mental health therapy at Sea Mar in February of 2016. Since completing her graduate degree in 2005, Michelle has provided behavioral health services in a variety of settings and roles, to include an elementary school, university, and several community service agencies.

Michelle completed her undergraduate work in child and family development and psychology, graduating with honors from San Diego State University. She then earned a Master of Science degree from National University. She went on to complete a certificate in holistic health counseling from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2011.

Michelle grew up in the Pacific Northwest but moved away to experience living in several other parts of the country for over 10 years before returning to the area in 2016. She has an appreciation for the beauty of this part of the country and is enjoying being close to family again. In her spare time, Michelle enjoys traveling, hiking, spending time connecting with friends, reading, kayaking, and experiencing all that life has to offer.

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