Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Samantha Loch
Samantha Loch- Mental Health Therapist
Education: M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling, B.S. Psychology, B.A. Sociology
Institution: Western Washington University
Board Certification: National Board Certified Counselor (NBCC)
Area of Specialty: CBT for Pain groups, CBT for ADHD groups, and EMDR trained therapist.
Languages: English

Samantha (Sammy) joined the Sea Mar Behavioral Health team in fall 2020. Previously, she interned at Unity Care Northwest in downtown Bellingham. Sammy's path to counseling started at Western Washington University where she received Bachelor's degrees in psychology and sociology. In 2018, she returned to Western to complete her Master's in Mental Health Counseling.

Sammy entered the counseling field to provide support for people as they navigate life's challenges and transitions. Sammy values a holistic perspective in counseling. She sees each client as a whole person (mind/body/spirit) who interacts with and is influenced by their environment. She is passionate about working with people who have chronic illness, disability, and neurodivergent folks.

Sammy leads the CBT for Pain and CBT for ADHD groups. She is also an EMDR trained therapist.

Outside of work, Sammy enjoys reading, playing board games, watching movies and hanging out with her rescue pup.

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