Sea Mar -Community Health Centers x
Sarah Matlock
Sarah Matlock - Clinical Supervisor
Education: Masters Degree, Social Work
Institution: Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts
Area of Specialty: Adolescents, adults, under-served populations, mood & relational problems, identity development
Languages: English and Spanish

​In 2014, Sarah Matlock joined Sea Mar's Seattle Behavioral Health Center as a mental health therapist and in 2016 she was promoted to clinical supervisor of Sea Mar's Bellevue Behavioral Health Center.

In 2011 Sarah earned a Master's degree in clinical social work, from Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, and obtained her credential as a licensed independent clinical social worker in July 2015.

Sarah is a child mental health specialist and a ethnic minority health specialist for Latino populations. Raised in the Pacific Northwest, Sarah began her social work career informally at age 17 as a volunteer at a local youth shelter in Seattle. She has since provided services to a diverse range of populations in a variety of settings, including HIV-positive youth, survivors of domestic violence and trauma, undocumented youth and families, and members of the LGBTQ community.

As a clinical social worker Sarah has an understanding of systems of oppression and how these impact the clients she serves. She is dedicated to her work in community mental health and continuing the historical mission of social workers to social justice. Sarah's therapeutic approach is psychodynamic, relational and client-centered. She helps clients explore their feelings, experiences, and relationships so they can develop new ways of coping in order to move forward in their lives in a meaningful way.

In her personal time Sarah enjoys riding her bike, drinking coffee, listening to music, and different forms of creative expression such as cooking, fashion, and art projects.

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